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Quite a while ago I made a group of necklaces put together with coiled and curled wire links. They all sold rather quickly.  I have a few pairs of earrings in the shop where I used the Egyptian Coil, an ancient design. I decided that maybe it was time to go back to making some jewelry with wire links – all curly and swirly, looped and swooped and coiled.

The necklace project I am working on now started out with me deciding that the round wood jasper pendant was too plain I wanted to “fancy it up”. First I made a coil to put at the bottom with the wire running up through the bead with small beads above and below and created the loop which I would attach to the main part of the necklace, which was unmade at that point. That looked good but I wanted it to hang from something special made with more wire. I started curving and looping wire. Ugh! The original decorative wire piece ended up too long. Stuff got twisted the wrong way, etc. So then I decided to make a Celtic Teardrop to attach the pendant and the necklace to. My plan was to make the beads that would create the necklace portion into wired bead links rather than just bead after bead. But then I thought about making links between the bead links as S-links.  Then I changed the links to look like 4 leaf clovers.

This time I plan to hammer the wire pieces with the ball end of the chasing hammer to give them more texture. I got out the WIGJIG and this will help me out a great deal. This is a tool that looks like a very small pegboard. You put wire pegs in and you are able to loop your wire around to make a design such as the Celtic Teardrop or the 4 Leaf Clover links I am using. I got my Celtic Teardrop and the clover shapes made. The latest brain storm resulted in perhaps alternating the 4 leaf clover links with S-links. The wire links would go between the bead links.

Wood Jasper Pendant Necklace

Wood Jasper Pendant Necklace project in progress

I don’t have any of the S-links made yet but you can see what I have to this point. The pendant and rusty green beads are wood jasper. I am using brass wire and copper glass seed beads also. I really like the look of the Celtic Teardrop to suspend the pendant from and to attach the necklace links to. I think it is a very graceful look. Who knows how this will turn out in the end? It’s a process…