Christmas Cookie Baking Time


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Family tradition dictates that every Christmas season I make Spritz cookies from a recipe that my mom always used. For years I didn’t bother baking them because my mom always made so many of them that she gave us containers full of them. When she got older though, the cookie baking fell to me. Last year and this year my granddaughter and I made the Christmas Spritz cookies. Just before we started last night I presented her with an apron that I had made for her. She was delighted to see that it was a floral print (her favorite) and mostly shades of pink, her favorite color.

Loading the cookie press with dough

Loading the cookie press with dough

Audrey is now over 3 1/2 and although I used a cookie press (which didn’t like us last night) to shape the cookies, she always pats them down, mashing the shapes, but they still taste good! She was a good helper last night. She helped put ingredients into the bowl when asked and after the dough was made and chilled for a while she helped me spoon cookie dough into the press. She also got to use the press a bit with grandma’s hand on hers. We decorated the cookies with red and green sugar and some white snowflakes. Audrey tends to have a heavy hand with sugar. Instead of sprinkling, she likes to pour the sugar on – LOL! We did have to remove a bit of it.

We mixed up the dough and put it into the refrigerator to chill and then my son called Jimmy John’s to order sandwiches for all of us, which were delivered. My brother was visiting from Tulsa so we had four adults and two children. We had a great time. After supper we pulled the dough out and filled the press and put them onto the cookie sheets then decorated and baked them. Audrey and I only did two sheets of them before her mom and dad had to take her and her baby sister home. They took all of the cookies we had made with them but I will make more for them later in the week. My brother took the cookies I made with the rest of the dough after they left home with him. I don’t know if they actually made it to Tulsa or were eaten during his drive!