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Witch Shoe

Add candy and serve

It is almost that time of year that drives me nuts – Halloween! Oh it’s lots of fun, but all the candy that is around is hard to resist. I always try to buy candy I don’t personally like for handing out to the little ghouls and monsters. That usually means Reece’s Peanut Butter Cups will be given to children when they come to my door. This year I am trying to decide on a project so I can give my grandchildren their treats in a special Halloween themed container. Last year I made Witches shoes from scrapbooking paper (found the design on the net) that I put candy in for my granddaughter and I also gave one to my mom. Right now I am on the hunt for another good small box to use for Halloween candy. I could do the Witch Shoe again but I’m looking for a Frankenstein box. I found one that uses a take-out box to start with but I really want to find one I can make completely from scratch. I also found a Pumpkin Pail that I might use. I have to make a list of supplies needed for it. It basically uses a pillow box template to create the basics for the pail. You cut three pillow boxes to start and then build on that.

Elf Shoe

Elf Shoe to hold small gift

I like to do holiday themed items. At Christmas last year I made Elf Shoes for a group of my friends that I meet monthly for lunch and I filled them with candy. I also made one for my granddaughter and my mom. I made lots and lots of boxes. Most of them were boxes for gifts. I also made “Milk Boxes” to hold homemade candy and such. I also made fancy boxes to hold the gift cards I bought for my son and daughter-in-law. You can find templates for small gift boxes that fit an 8 ½ x 11 sheet of cardstock all over the net.

Jewelry Box

Pillow box for my jewelry

I use handmade pillow boxes to package my handmade jewelry. That way I can use my own logo design for the boxes. I have three sizes of templates and use the size that best fits the piece of jewelry. The boxes are then wrapped in bubble wrap and then inserted into USPS Priority Mail boxes I get from the post office.

Well, time to get back to my jewelry making. I had two sick days this week that put me behind. I have two bracelets to complete and then I will price the items, write descriptions of all the pieces then take their pictures on my scanner. One of those pieces is shown below, a lovely black, white and copper bracelet made from Czech glass and copper.

Copper Leaves Bracelet

Copper Leaves Bracelet

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